Silk Twill Bandana Les Étoiles et la Mer - Midnight Blue and Gold

49 x 49 cm
Twill de soie 100%
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In the dark sea depths (or celestial, because who could really know the difference?) of the midnight blue silk, the graceful golden fishes are dancing in pursuit of the stars. The Japanese inspiration of the design is finely accentuated by the reinterpreted "seigaiha" pattern of the border and the stylised pattern of the fishes.
How to wear this scarf? With its bluish black background and bright golden fishes, this sober and elegant scarf will perfectly match black, beige, ecru, camel tops and jackets as well as a wide range of blues. It will look beautiful with a gold colored blouse or a simple white tee.

The two "The Stars and the Sea" designs make a lovely tandem and can be worn together: the scarf floating around your neck, and the bandana wrapped around a handle on your bag!
The Story of the Artwork
Poetic and dreamy, the design of this scarf follows the fascination of the brand's designer for Japanese art. Le Châle Bleu proposes a reinterpretation of this Japanese imaginary, sailing to the crossroad of cultures. Thus, the drawing evolves and blends the classic Koi carp pattern with the spirit of European fairy tale illustrations. From the stars to the sea, from the depths of the night to the vault of the sky, this artwork travels around the world and creates new ones.

Like all Le Châle Bleu's creations, this scarf is imagined and drawn by hand in France and crafted in Italy, in the Como region. It is printed on a high quality silk twill, with rolled hem.
You will receive your scarf in its precious gift box adorned with a ribbon. Because it is just as important to please yourself as it is to please others ♥


Your scarf will be shipped within 2 to 3 working days, so that we can give maximum care to the preparation of your order in its beautiful blue box adorned with ribbon.
• In Metropolitan France the shipping is carried through a registered letter against signature.
• For other destinations, the delivery price will be indicated when you place your order, once you have completed the delivery address form. You can find more information on the FAQ page.
• Once your order is shipped, you will receive the tracking number by email.
• For information on returns, please visit FAQ page, part "Delivery and returns".
OR (gavroches)


We suggest you to handle your scarf with delicacy and keep it carefully folded. This accessory requires a high quality dry cleaning, or a very delicate hand washing. Dry your scarf flat and iron it while it is still slightly damp. Please iron your scarf with the "silk" settings.

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