Silk Twill Bandana The Panther and the Magic Stone - Mauve Daydreams

50 x 50 cm
100% Silk Twill
Out of stock with this lining
The pastel waves with a mauve dominant serve as a background for a drawing contrasted by the giant flowers and a majestic panther with phosphorescent eyes. Monarchically calm, she is sitting in this extraordinary garden, harmonized by the deep black border of this precious silk twill bandana scarf.
Inspiration and colors
Magnified by the twill weaving, the silk of this precious scarf is flowing with its pink and lilac palette. With its strong and bold contrasts, its colour palette (inspired by a Picasso painting), is perfectly harmonious and sophisticated. Just like the stars, the small hydrangea flowers in the corners are sublimated by the ink-coloured dots in its centers.
How to wear this scarf? Worn with a simple blue sweater, this bandana scarf will enhance it and add a touch of elegance and sophistication. It will perfectly sublimate the ecru, black, pale yellow or grey tops. Tied around brown or black hair, it will create mystery and distinction. Essential to invigorate a simple black bag.
Once upon a time...

..there were Two Sisters. They lived in a very enviable little house in Paris, in the heart of Montmartre. Often solicited by rich buyers, they had not, despite their modest incomes, ceased to send them away. One day..

Découvrez la suite dans le livret accompagnant ce foulard
Designed in France, made in Italy

Like all Le Châle Bleu's creations, this scarf is imagined and drawn by hand in France and crafted in Italy, in the Como region. It is printed on a high quality silk twill, with rolled hem.
It will be sent to you in its precious gift box adorned with a ribbon. Because it is always as important to treat yourself as it is to treat others.


Your scarf will be shipped within 2 to 3 working days, so that we can give maximum care to the preparation of your order in its beautiful blue box adorned with ribbon.
• The delivery price of your gavroche scarf in Metropolitan France is 7,10 euros and is carried through a registered letter against signature.
• For other destinations, the delivery price will be indicated when you place your order, once you have completed the delivery address form. You can find more information on the FAQ page.
• Once your order is shipped, you will receive the tracking number by email.
• For information on returns, please visit FAQ page, part "Delivery and returns".
OR (gavroches)


We suggest you to handle your scarf with delicacy and keep it carefully folded. This accessory requires a high quality dry cleaning, or a very delicate hand washing. Dry your scarf flat and iron it while it is still slightly damp. Please iron your scarf with the "silk" settings.

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